Permissions for a Single Video
1. Locate the video and mouse over it. Click the Share button that will appear.

2. A settings page will open. Under the heading Who Has Access, click on the dropdown menu to see all options.
3. Select either of the two recommended options, then click the red Save Changes button.
- Your Organization (unlisted) for sharing within a Moodle course.
- Public (unlisted) for sharing with an external audience outside Moodle.

Permissions for a Folder
Every video located within a folder in Panopto can be given the same permissions. More information is available on creating Folders and Subfolders and moving and organizing videos in Panopto.
1. Locate the folder or subfolder. Click the Share icon to the far right of the folder icon at the top of the Panopto Home Screen.
2. A settings page will open. Under the heading Who Has Access, click on the dropdown menu to see all options.
3. Select either of the two recommended options, then click the red Save Changes button.
- Anyone at your organization with the link for sharing within a Moodle course.
- Anyone with the link for sharing with an external audience outside Moodle.

Return to the Faculty Panopto Resources page for more information.