Securing Zoom meetings has become an important consideration as more people rely on Zoom to connect with students and colleagues.  Review the Host tools at the bottom of the meeting screen to identify meeting options for hosts. Toggle these features to turn on/off.  

Below are recommended steps for securing your meetings.

When scheduling your Zoom meeting:

1.  Use the Moodle Integration (Faculty) to schedule meetings within your Moodle course.

2.  *Enable the meeting Waiting Room or use a Passcode.

3.  *Turn off participant video and mute upon entry to the meeting.

4.  If you are hosting a Zoom event, have participants register before providing a Zoom link.  See Setting up registration for a meeting.

5.  Publicly posting your Zoom link greatly increases the chances of Zoom bombing and trolls.  Avoid this if possible.  

During the meeting

1.  Assign a co-host to help manage participants.

2.  Vet participants in the Waiting Room prior to allowing them into the meeting.

3.  Turn off participant video and audio (Mute).

4.  Disable or limit your participants ability to:

  • *Chat
  • *Share Screen
  • Unmute
  • Rename

5.  Lock the meeting to block anyone else from joining the meeting.

6.  Remove any unruly participants. 

*These settings are default for University Zoom Pro Licenses.

Additional Resources

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