Convert PowerPoint (file extensions .ppt or .pptx) presentations to PDFs (file extension .pdf) before uploading to VoiceThread. This is a good idea because uploading PowerPoint files directly to VoiceThread will sometimes result in changes to slide fonts and spacing, and slide animations do not carry over into VoiceThread. Saving the file as a PDF prior to uploading to VoiceThread preserves the slide fonts and spacing. Unfortunately, there is no way to preserve PPT slide transitions or animations in VoiceThread.

To save the PowerPoint presentation as a PDF, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the PPT file in PowerPoint.

  2. Click the File menu button at the top left of the app window.

  3. Select Save As from menu of options.

  4. Select a location where the file should be saved.

  5. Locate and click the Save as type dropdown field at the bottom of the Save As popup window.

  6. Select PDF (*.pdf) from the list of available formats.

  7. Click the Save button to save the PDF file to the desired location.

Once the PPT has been saved as a PDF, it can then be uploaded to VoiceThread.