Restrict Access settings can be used to control when individual Modules (Topics) are visible or hidden in a Moodle course.
1. To access these settings, first make sure the Turn editing on button is clicked in the upper right corner of the course page.

2. Locate the three dots to the right of the module. Select Edit Settings.
3. On the Edit settings page, scroll down to locate and click on the words Restrict access.
4. Click the Add restriction button that will appear.
5. There are a number of options for restrictions that will appear, but the most commonly used choices are
- Activity Completion: students must complete (or not complete) another activity for this Module to be available
- Date: controls the date after or before which the Module will be available.
6. As an example, if Date is selected, you can choose the date and time which the Module will be available. Please note that a time of 00:00 indicates the very beginning of the date selected, while 23:55 would indicate the very end of the date selected.
With this setting saved, the student would see the following when trying to access this Module:
7. When the restrictions have been set, click the red Save changes button.