1. In your Moodle Course, click on the Turn editing on button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

2. Next, locate the Instructor Information Block in the left-hand block area and click the Gear Icon.

3. A small menu will appear; click on Configure Instructor Information block.

4. Type your information into the text area provided, using the existing prompts as a guide.

5. You can add an image (such as a headshot) by the following steps:
A. Click the Insert or Edit Image button in the tool tray area (it resembles a mountain landscape).

B. Use the File Picker to select an image.
C. In the Describe this image for someone who cannot see it field, type in alternative text for your image.
D. The ideal size for an image in this area is 125 x 125 for square images.
E. Click the Save image button when done.

6. Click on the Save changes button at the bottom of the screen when done.