Checklist block is a block that works with the Checklist module to display progress bars for a single checklistIt can be configured to show progress bars for all students or a group of students for a single checklist. The Checklist block does not work without the Checklist activity module. 

Add a Checklist Block

1. On your course page, click the Turn editing on.

2. Scroll down to locate Add A BLOCK.

Add a block

3. Select a Checklist block from the drop-down menu.

Add a checklist block

4. The page will re-load and the Checklist block will be added to the left-column.

Configure Checklist Block

1. Click gear icon in the Checklist block, and select Configure Checklist block.


Click gear icon in the Checklist block, and select Configure Checklist block.

2. On the Configuring a Checklist block page, 

  • Determine if you want to show Checklist overview
  • Choose Checklist that you want to show in the Checklist block
  • Choose Default group displaying in the Checklist block

    Determine if you want to show Checklist overview     Choose Checklist that you want to show in the Checklist block     Choose Default group displaying in the Checklist block

3. Click Save changes button.

Save changes button