If students have been organized into groups in Moodle, Assignments can be submitted and graded in Group Mode.
This can only be arranged BEFORE students submit to this Assignment.
Set Up Group Mode
1. In the Contextual menu for the Assignment, click on Settings and scroll down the page to Group Submissions Settings and open it.
2. Use the Students Submit in Groups dropdown to select Yes if you want a submission made by any group member will count towards the whole group. This will also enable Group grading.
3. Once Yes is selected, select the best options:
4. Save this setting by clicking Save and return to course or Save and display.

Grade An Assignment in Group Mode
Group grades can only be issued if the setting Students Submit in Groups was set to Yes before submissions were made.
1. To apply a single grade and feedback to the entire group, click the Assignment activity, and then use the Grade button only.
2. Follow the instructions for Grading An Assignment using either Simple Direct Grading, Grading Guide, or Rubric with one addition:
A. Scroll down all the way to the bottom of the grading panel.
B. In the Group Submission Settings area, click:
- Yes to apply grades and feedback to the entire group
- No to give each group member an individual grade and feedback.

Return to the Assignments resource page for more information on other topics.