Watch a Video of the Steps Below

1. To add questions to a quiz that is already created, click on the Quiz in the Moodle course. 

2. In the Contextual menu at top of the screen, select Questions.

Add Specific Questions

1. Click the word Add.

2. We recommend NOT selecting +a new question. Instead, select +from question bank.

Add + from question bank

3. Select a Category that contains the desired questions.

select a category dropdown menu

4. Select the box beside the letter "T" to select all questions in this category, or select the individual questions you want to use. 

List of questions with checkboxes next to each

5. Click the Add selected questions to the quiz button.

Add selected questions to the quiz

Add Random Questions

Moodle can pull a certain number of questions from a single category randomly.

1. Click the word Add and select +a random question.

Add + a random question

2. Select the Category that the random questions will be taken from.

Dropdown list of categories

3. Select the number of random questions to be pulled from this category. 

Note: this number must be less than or equal to the total number of questions in the category.

Number of random questions dropdown

4. Click the Add random question button. Random questions are indicated with a six-sided die icon.

Add random question

Other Quiz Options

Instructions for controlling other quiz question configuration are also available, such as:

Return to the Quiz main resource page for more information on other topics.