Watch a Video of the Steps Below

Once the quiz has been completed by students, the quiz results can be viewed. Any student who did not take the quiz will need a zero grade inserted into the Gradebook (this does not happen automatically).

1. Click on the Quiz activity on the main Moodle page.

2. Click the text Attempts followed by the number of attempts made.

Attempts: 1

3. The results grid provides information about each attempt on the quiz.

  • Started on: the date and time that the attempt was started.

  • Completed: the date and time that the attempt was submitted.

  • Time taken: the amount of time the student used in the attempt.

  • Grade: the earned letter grade for the attempt.

  • Questions: a list of each question indicating if it was correct or incorrect.

A single student attempt data line

4. If the quiz contained any Essay questions, no grade will be available immediately. Essay questions will be marked as Requires grading.

A single student attempt data line with an essay question

5. Essay questions must be Manually graded. Click to read instructions for manually grading essay questions.

6. To view any student response on a single question, click on the grade received for that question.

The grade for a question can be clicked on

7. A popup window will open showing the question text, student's response, and the correct answer.

The student choice is shown as incorrect with the correct answer provided.

8. To change the student's grade on this question, click Make comment or override points within this popup window.

Make comment or override points

7. This will open a second popup window, with a place to enter any comments and type in the new number of points for this student's question.

Comment textbox and points entry box

8. Click Save button when done.

Save button

9. The questions and responses for a student's complete attempt can be viewed by clicking Review attempt beneath that student's name. 

Review attempt.

Regrading a Question for All Students

If a question was faulty for whatever reason, it can be edited after the quiz has been attempted and the results can be regraded. 

Return to the Quiz main resource page for more information on other topics.