Essay questions must be graded by the instructor. 

To avoid grading each response separately on the Results grid, instructors can use the Manual Grading function to grade all student responses to an essay question on the same screen. 

1. Click the Quiz activity on the main Moodle page.

2. Click the word Attempts followed by the number of attempts made.  

Attempts: 2

3.You will be taken to the Results screen of the quiz.  

4. Under Quiz Administration click on Results.

Quiz administration block, locate results

5. Then, click on Manual Grading.

Manual Grading

6. Essay questions will appear under the heading Questions that need grading

7. Under the heading To grade, click on the word grade.

Under Questions that need grading, and under the heading To Grade, find the word grade

8. A number of options are available at the top of the manual grading screen:

  • Attempts to grade: choose to only view ungraded questions or all questions.

  • Questions per page: control how many student responses to see at one time.

  • Order attempts: choose to have student responses displayed by date, student name, or randomly.

Click the Change Options button when done.

Options, attempts to grade, questions per page, order attempts, and change options button

9. Scroll down to view student attempts on this Essay question. Comments and be made and points can be issued sequentially on the same screen. 

Grading attempts number 1 for Moodle Tester 2

10. Click Save and go to next page to move on to the next page of responses.

Save and go to the next page

11. Click Back to the list of questions at the top of this screen if there are more Essay questions to grade.

Back to the list of questions

Return to the Quiz main resource page for more information on other topics.