Using Activity Completion settings, an instructor can decide what (if any) criteria must be met for a Assignment to be marked complete.

1. Click on the Assignment and find Settings in the Contextual Menu.

2. Locate and click on the Activity Completion.

3. In the Completion Tracking dropdown, select one of three options:

  • Do not indicate activity completion: no indication will be provided

  • Students can manually mark the activity as done: indicated with green checked done box next to the activity

  • Show activity as complete when conditions are met:  Will vary on the conditions selected.

4. If Show activity as complete when conditions are met is selected, a series of options will appear.

5. Click the checkbox beside any conditions students should meet. Students will be required to meet ALL selected conditions for the activity to be marked complete.

  • Require View: the student must simply click on the Assignment.

  • Require Grade: 

                   Student must receive a grade to complete this activity:  If checked, the activity is complete when a student receives a grade. If a pass grade is set, then pass/fail icons are displayed in the activity completion report.

                    Student must receive a passing grade to complete this activity: If checked,  complete when the student receives a passing grade.

                    Student must make a submission

  • Expect completed on:  If checked, when the date is upcoming the activity will be listed in the timeline block of the Dashboard. 

6. When done, click the red Save and Return to Course or Save and Display button.

Save and return to course or save and display

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