Categories are like the folder-based organization of files on any computer. Questions can be organized into different Categories and Subcategories to make them easier for instructors to find. 

Categories are a vital part of the Random Question function within the Quiz.

To create a category:

1. Click on the More link in the Contextual menu at the top of the Moodle course:

2.Select Question bank.

3. Above the title Question bank, look for the drop-down box and select Categories.

4. Any existing categories will be shown at the top of the screen. To add a new category, select Add category. 

The "Default" or "Top" parent categories are ideal unless creating subcategories.

Parent Category dropdown menu

5. Enter a Name for the new category. Use a name that will help you easily locate these questions later; students will never see this name.

Name textbox

6. Click the Add Category button when finished.

Add category button

7. Categories can be organized, edited, or deleted from the top area of the Categories screen, but questions cannot be placed in categories here.

List of Question Categories with icons to the right of each to delete, edit, move left and move right.

Return to Add Questions to Question Bank to learn how to create or import questions into the new category.