1. Click on the More link in the Contextual menu at the top of the Moodle course: 

2. Select Question bank. 

3. Above the title Question bank, look for the drop-down box and select Import.

3. In the next screen, select the file format you wish to upload. 

  • If the question file was formatted from a Word Document, select Aiken format

  • If the question file comes from a different source, select the appropriate type based on the source (usually Moodle XML format).

The file format options include Aiken format, Blackboard, Embedded answers, Examview, GIFT, Missing word, Moodle XML, and WebCT formats.

4. Click on the General heading to open it.

  • Use the Import category dropdown menu to select the destination category for the imported questions.

  • Uncheck Get category from File.

  • Leave all other fields as default.

General heading contains Import category selector, Get category from file check box, match grades, and stop on error options.

5. Under the Import questions from file heading, there are two ways to upload the question file:

  • Click and drag the file into the upload area (dotted-line rectangle).

  • Click Choose a file and use the File Picker.

Import Questions from File

6. Click the red Import button. Preview the import and press the Continue button. Your questions will now appear in the Category selected.


Return to Add Questions to Question Bank to learn how to create or import questions into the Question Bank.

Otherwise, return to the Quiz main resource page for more information on other topics.