Faculty Member #1 has created a VoiceThread Activity and would like to allow Faculty Member #2 to utilize this activity in their course. The steps below both Faculty members should follow to achieve this transfer.

Faculty Member #1 Steps:

1. First Faculty Member #1 should locate the VoiceThread activity.

2. In the upper left-hand corner of the desired VoiceThread, click on the menu 3 dots and select Copy VoiceThread.

3. In the popup window for copying, use the Which comments would you like to keep? dropdown menu, select Include all comments if there are no student comments associated with it, or select Include only my comments if there are student comments, but they should not be included. Then, click the blue Copy button.

4. Go to Copy.

4. In the Copy of the VT, select the Share settings.  To learn more about Share settings, go to Share a VoiceThread

7. Click on Share, and click on Contacts. Then Click the "+button to create a new contact.

8. Faculty Member #1 should Add Contact using Faculty Member #2's email address (using the ULID C0012345@louisiana.edu format) and name. Then click the blue Save button.

Faculty Member #2's Steps

1. Faculty Member #2 should go into their desired Moodle course and add a VoiceThread link to Moodle. 

2. Click on Individual Voice Thread.

3. Click on Create New VoiceThread at top-right corner of the screen

4. Click on Copy from VoiceThread in the center of the screen.

5. From the list of VoiceThreads, select the VoiceThread that was shared with you.

6. It will display all slides included in the Voicethread. If the original VoiceThread did have comments, click Copy: No Comments and choose which comments to copy. Check Apply same choice to each slide in this import? if you decide to copy the same type of comments for all slides.

Note: Do not choose All comments option 1) if some slides do not have comments, or 2) if you do not want to import all comments from the previous class.

7. If you want to choose different comments for each slide, click Copy: No comments on each slide and choose which comments to copy.

8. Choose the slides to copy over by clicking Select all button or selecting each slide individually, and click Import the items button.

9. The slides have been added.

  1. Click the pencil icon to enter a title for the VoiceThread
  2. (Optional) click +Add media button to add more media if necessary
  3. Click Continue button at the bottom of the screen

Important Note: If the order of the imported slides is not accurate, use Move icon to drag and drop the slide in the correct spot. 

10. (Optional) Add audio, video, or another kind of comment to the VoiceThread. 

Click Add Comments on VoiceThread to learn how to add different types of comments to a VoiceThread.

11. When finished, click Publish. 

Return to the Faculty VoiceThread Resources page for more information on other topics.