Contributing to a Database can vary depending on how it has been set up by the instructor.
1. In your Moodle course, click the link to a Database activity.
2. The Database will either have No Entries yet and a button to Add entry.

3. To add entries to the Database activity, click Add entry tab and populate the fields that the instructor has set up.
The types of fields available include:
- Checkbox (a checkbox to select)
- Coordinates
- Date (insert a date)
- Dropdown list
- File
- Image
- Menu (Multi-select) (same as above but multiple selections)
- Number (insert a number)
- Radio buttons (radio buttons to select a choice)
- Short Text (a simple one line text area)
- Text area (a customizable sized HTML box)
- URL (insert a Web address)
- Image gallery
- Journal
- Proposals
- Resources
4. After completing the fields, click Save to view your entry. If you wish to add another entry click Save and add another button.
Note: If there are previous entries and depending how the entries were set up, when you select the Database, you can view the previous entry and click the Add entry button at the bottom of the page.