Share H5P Content
Sharing H5P content can be easily done by changing the settings of the H5P content already placed in a Moodle page. H5P content files will have a .h5p file extension. Once downloaded, the H5P content can be shared between course, colleagues or saved for later use.
1. Log into a Moodle course where the H5P content is located and get to the Content Bank in the Contextual menu, under More.

2. Select the H5P activity you want to download from the Content Bank.

3. Next to the Edit button, select More, then Download.

4. The H5P Activity will download to your device. (usually in the downloads folder)

5. Once downloaded, share or save the .h5P file.
Upload H5P content
Once you have a downloaded .h5p file you can add this content to your Content Bank.
1. Locate the downloaded .h5p file (usually located in the Download folder of the computer). Note: the file will have a .h5p extension.

2. Open Moodle and navigate to the Content Bank. (Contextual menu, More, Content bank).

3. In the Content Bank, select Upload.

4. Either Choose a File (Upload a file, Choose File, Upload this File) or Drag and Drop the file to place the downloaded .h5P file from the computer into the Content Bank. Save changes.

5. The H5P content will now be in the Content Bank and can be edited, renamed or used as is in the Moodle course.
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