Visit - Course Presentation for more information.

What is Course Presentation 

H5P Course Presentation allows users to add multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, text, and other types of Interactions to their presentations.  These interactions can be automatically graded in the Moodle gradebook.

Important Note: In order for the Course Presentation to connect to the gradebook, a Summary Slide must be added. A Summary Slide will only appear in a Course Presentation if one of the question types is added to the presentation. This activity can be connected to the gradebook. To see all tracking options, see H5P and the Gradebook, Activity Settings, and Attempt Options.

View course presentation examples below:

Classic Presentation  Presentation with quiz    Presentation game

Course Presentation Video Tutorial (2:49)

Get Started

1. Log into your Moodle course, select More from the Contextual menu, Content bank.

2. Click the Add button,  find Course Presentation in the drop down menu

3. When the Editing menu opens, type the Title and any Metadata (optional)

4. Course Presentation editor.  Review each of the Hotspots to learn about the Course Presentation editor tool options.

5.  Select the tool to place on the slide.  (Example below:  Image)  Each menu tool will display different menu options for that tool.  Complete the required fields (shown with a red asterisk) and optional fields as desired.

6. Select Done when complete.

7.  The image (or other tool) selected will be placed on the slide.  There are additional options available  (see below) and the image (tool) can be moved/resized on the slide.  Add additional tools to this slide or create/edit additional slides.

8.  Select Behavior settings to make optional changes.

9.  Select Text overrides and translations to edit text settings or translate text. (optional)

10.  Save when complete.  Once saved, a preview will display.  Edit, close, delete, or rename the course presentation.  The course presentation will live in the Content Bank until inserted into the Moodle course.

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