Audio can be used within composite H5P content types or as a standalone audio player.  Whether audio is used within a composite content type or standalone H5P content, the options below are the same.  Audio file types accepted:  .mp3 and .wav

H5P Audio is only used after an audio file has been created.  You can create audio using H5P Audio Recorder, Audacity (NOTE:  Audacity is not supported by DL but available through UL Software center) or any other audio creation software available.  

Step 1Log into Moodle, in the Contextual menu, select More and find Content bank.

 Step 2 - Once in the Content bank page, Add Audio from the list of content types

Step 3 - Give your audio file a meaningful title, select Source Files to upload an audio file or copy and paste an audio link.  

Step 4 - Player mode is how the audio player will display.  

Step 5 - Save and preview.  If the audio player is within another content type or standalone, it can be moved to a desired location or resized (Full only).

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