Image Choice - Build multiple or single choice questions where the alternatives are images. You may customize the layout for the alternatives and choose between fixed aspect ratios or just use the aspect ratios the images already have. This activity can be connected to the gradebook. To see all tracking options, see H5P and the Gradebook, Activity Settings, and Attempt Options.

Image Choice Examples

Forest Animals           H5P Content types     

Get Started

1. Log into your Moodle course, select More from the Contextual menu, Content bank.

2. Click the Add button, find Image choose in the drop down menu

3. In the Image Choice menu, give the content a Title and type the Question that corresponds with the correct images

4. Begin adding the images.  Click the Add Image button to add the image (images have limited editing capabilities), the Alternative text for that image, and (optional) Hover text.  If this image should be selected, click the Correct button

5. Continue adding correct and incorrect images.  Select the Add Option button to add more images

6. If graded and/or optional feedback is available, review the custom feedback options and add Ranges as needed.

7. Save and Preview.

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