Zoom AI Meeting Coach can analyze and provide metrics on key factors in your meeting conversations, such as talk speed, talk-listen ratio, longest spiel (or monologue), filler word usage, and your patience in discussion. These metrics can be viewed when viewing a cloud recording after it has finished processing and is available for only the host and eligible account admins. 

Enable Meeting Coach in Settings

1. Go to Settings, AI Companion, Recordings to enable Smart chapters.  See AI companion for more details.  Select Meeting coach.


2. Once the recorded meeting has ended, go to Recordings in the side menu.  In Cloud recording, select the meeting.  Click on the Video to be taken to the Editing page.


3. At the bottom of this page, go to My meeting coach  There will be a Summary of the meeting


Talk-listen ratio

This shows the average percentage of total time when the host was speaking. The talk-listen ratio of the host allows them to view the proportion of time they were actively speaking in a meeting and also how well the speaker is able to engage the participants.

Talking speed

This shows the average number of words spoken per minute by the host. The host’s talking speed allows them to determine if they are talking too fast or too slow during meetings. Ideally, they should keep the talking speed within a specific range to help keep the meeting moving while still being understood. Based on this data, they can work to increase or decrease their talking speed to improve this meeting skill. 

Recommended range: A talking speed between 110-160 words per minute.

Filler words

This shows the average number of filler words used per minute by the host. Filler words, such as ah, um, and hmm, can indicate that the speaker needs to be more familiar and confident with what they are saying. Interestingly, studies found that using filler words excessively, as well as not using any filler words, can diminish a speaker’s credibility. 

Recommended range: 0.6-3.0 filler words per minute (6-30 filler words per 10 minutes)

Longest spiel

This shows the duration of the longest speech segment of the host. A spiel, or monologue, is being the only participant speaking for a length of time, which can discourage others from participating in the conversation, impact listener comprehension, and cause fatigue. This data can help hosts be more aware of how much time they are speaking at once and creating pauses for questions or comments.

Recommended range: Avoid monologues that last more than 2:30 minutes to increase the interactivity of the call, promote engagement, and lead to better sales outcomes.


Patience reflects how much time between a question and the respondent’s answer. This can indicate how much patience is given to other meeting participants, which can affect the discussion’s progress and outcome. This can help improve the ability to control the pace of conversations.

Recommended range: Waiting between ½ and 1.5 seconds for the customer to respond.