Scenario:  Have the students create a video where they create a video presentation:
  • Introduce themselves
  • What they did this summer
  • What type of learner are you?  (Visual, Reader, Discussion, etc) - how do you learn best?
  • PPT Recording slide.pptx
  • Once the presentation is created, select the Record button 


  • A recoding screen will appear.  
  1. Move through the slides while recording
  2. Use annotation tools throughout the presentation
  3. Change background and Views
  4. Camera and microphone options 
  5. Record button
  6. When complete, Export


  • Once the video is complete, click the Export button. Note:  the video will be exported to OneDrive where it can be downloaded or shared.
  • Type in the File name, choose a folder in your OneDrive, select Export Video.


  • When complete, select the button View or Share the video


How to Import a Video into a Moodle Forum (from PowerPoint or Loop)