
These steps will allow you to create a URL Resource in your Moodle course that students can click on to upload video files into Panopto for an assignment.

Creating the Assignments Folder:

1. Log into the Moodle course and scroll down to the Panopto Block.

2. Under Links, click on Course Settings.

Panopto Block: Course Setting

3. The first page is always the Settings page. Just click the X in the upper right corner to close this page and show the Panopto Home Screen.

  • The Panopto Home Screen is similar to any File/Folder organization system. 

  • Normally, the instructor is the only person who can access this screen. 

  • We will now create a Subfolder within the Course Folder so that students will have a place to upload their videos. 

4. Click on the Add Folder icon (surrounded by a dotted line).

5. Type in the Name of the Assignment as the name of this new folder and press the Enter key on the keyboard. In the example below, the assignment is named Persuasive Speech.

Name of video

6. Click on the folder button that you've just named to open it.

Open folder

7. Once in the newly created folder, locate and click on the gear icon on the far right of the screen. This will open the folder's setting window.

Gear button

8. Make sure that Overview is highlighted on the left, and then click on the blue Create Assignments Folder link in the center of this window.

Create assignment folder

9. Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the folder settings window to close it.

10. You'll notice a new subfolder has appeared with the same name that includes the word [assignments].

If students need to be able to watch each other's videos:

A. Click on the new [assignments] subfolder

B. Click on the gear icon on the far right of the screen. This will open the subfolder's settings window.

C. Locate and click on the word Settings on the left side of this window.

D. Check the checkbox beside Allow viewers to see each other's sessions.

E. Click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close this window (there is no save button; it will save automatically).

Sharing a Link in Moodle

1. Click on the Up-Arrow button to return to leave the [assignments] subfolder and return to the new folder you originally added at the beginning of this process.

2. Again, click on the gear icon to open the folder's settings window.


3. This time, click the word Share on the left.

Share Button

4. Under the Link heading Link, click on the URL and copy it.

Embed link

5. Go into the Moodle course where this video should appear. Click on Turn Editing On in the upper right corner of the Moodle Course page.

6. In the Module/Topic where this video should appear, click on Add an Activity or Resource.

7. Select URL from the list.

8. Under the General Heading, 

  • Enter a Name for the video that will be descriptive for students
  • In the External URL field, paste the URL that was copied from Panopto.

Name textbox then an External URL textbox.

9. Click on the Appearance heading. In the Display dropdown menu, select New Window.

The appearance heading contains a Display dropdown. The options are Automatic, Embed, New Window, and Open.

10. Finally, click the blue Save and Return to Course button.

Save and return to course


Instructions for Students
After following the steps above, students will see the URL and click on it to access Panopto. 

Upload video

Click here to access instructions for students to use Panopto to upload video content with the class. Feel free to share these instructions with your class.